“Even in a stark studio setting, without benefit of theatrical lighting, dancer Belinda McGuire is riveting.

Her lithe body pulses with potential. It explodes into complex sequences of spiralling turns and jutting arms that suddenly give way to moments of intense stillness. Every movement is clearly articulated and purposeful, even when McGuire seems to be riding a wave of momentum.”

- Michael Crabb, Toronto Star

“Reaching her arms out, with her dark hair flying, Ms. McGuire uses momentum to whip in and out of twists that place her body on a ragged edge of control. There are stops and starts; she arches her back, allowing the fine muscles of her shoulders to glimmer, nearly ghostlike, in Kate Ashton’s lighting. Even though it ends up where it starts, there is a hint of mystery along the way.”

- Gia Kourlas, New York Times


Choreographers: Emio Greco, Belinda McGuire and Pieter C. Scholten

Composer: Jerome Begin (original composition)

Costume Design: Belinda McGuire

Lighting Design: Kate Ashton and Pieter C. Scholten

Performers: Belinda McGuire

Premiere: New York City, 2011 - “The Heist Project”

Length: 17:00 (approximately)

About the Work: The Eight Propositions was created collaboratively by Greco, McGuire and Scholten via ICKamsterdam with sound design by Jerome Begin. Originating from spherical imagery, McGuire etches each segment in space, defining the content, boundaries and dancer within. The purely physical, geometric approach yields a human expression of goals, challenge, effort, relativity and identity. All the elements of a performance – the space, lighting and sound – drive impulses from the body and self-examination.